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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Get Off My Back!

I've been too busy to post and besides if you have time to miss me, you need to get a life! Just kidding...

Late August evokes a kind of mood we used to call "high school Sundays." Those days are bittersweet, in that the weekend is over and you didn't have quite as much fun as you would have liked to have had; and furthermore, you didn't even begin to do that 20-page research paper that's due on Monday.

Summer's almost over and I only kayaked once, only swam once, and only picnicked once. I worked a lot, as most of us do, but didn't get around to that 20-page research paper (the novel, the poems the paintings) that I really meant to do. Fall is in the air, the acorns are littering the sidewalk, and it's time for sweaters already.

I don't even want to talk about the larger world, the Katrina anniversary pageant that Bush rolled out, the continuing corporate pimping of democracy--it's all too ugly.

Instead, I'll revel in the fun of new notebooks, the smell of the paper, the pencil boxes, the crack of new textbook bindings, the feel of a new ink pen.


'kwse said...

fall sounds so beautiful. i wish i had seasons over here.

Michael Nolan said...

Glad you're posting again. I, too am feeling wistful about the demise of summer. Like they always do, it went too fast. The only consolation is the f'ing insects will die back.

Michael Nolan said...


Really love that collage!

DetroitGirl said...

Thanks, it's actually a homemade postcard. I'm going to do a few more.

DetroitGirl said...

kirstie--you are my first international reader! Welcome...

Anonymous said...

This post isn't that great. Too bad that it's so hostile. It makes the wait even more stupid. Isn't the point of a blog having an audience?

DetroitGirl said...

Hostile? I don't really do this for the audience--I just enjoy having a place to record thoughts and artwork. If it annoys you, you don't have to come to the party.