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Saturday, December 09, 2006

Happy Holidays and Seasons Greetings!

"I don't understand why anyone is against Walmart. . .If the workers don't like their jobs, why don't they work somewhere else? And anyway, poor people need to have a place to shop where the prices are low. . ." (a "real" quote from a "real" person)

I'm tired. It hardly seems worth the effort to try and explain how we are all connected, blah, blah, blah, and how wage suppression and globalization work to make more poor folks poorer and rich folks richer. The very idea of social justice is viewed as incendiary in this country. And truth has taken a long sabbatical.

Yesterday, the government published a report on the "media bias" on reporting global climate change. This packet of propaganda was probably paid for by our tax dollars with a few little side contributions. Evidently, the government has a vested interest in making us believe that global warming is a bunch of hysterical nonsense. Gee--I just wonder whose interest this serves?

Meanwhile, Yale's most famous C student, tries to read the Irag report--probably without a dictionary. So don't do any holiday shopping at Walmart--stay home (save the planet) and order used books from Amazon. While you're at it, send a dictionary to the White House.


Michael Nolan said...

Hopefully everyone doesn't buy only used books or I'd be out of work.

That said, Wal-Mart makes me very sad, and Yale's most famous C student continues to act like he's the decider. At least the tide is beginning to turn. We've got to hold Dems' feet to the fire.

DetroitGirl said...

By the way--thanks so much for all the great books! I hope they sell so well that they eventually end up used and for sale on Amazon, too.