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Thursday, October 20, 2005

A Trip to the Fabric Store

I had almost an hour to kill between a class and a haircut, so I ducked into a really nice fabric store just to look. What washed over me was the realization that I had mostly done the fabric store thing with my mother when I was a too-tall teenager and the 1960's style skirts were really short. That meant I could not buy much off the rack, so my mother used to make my clothes. We would pour over the pattern books and then the creativity began. She was such a good sport! I'll never forget the pink paisley jump suit, the royal purple Yves St. Laurent maxi coat (down to the ground!) and a wonderful three piece donegal tweed suit--mini-skirt, waistcoat and cuffed pants! And the Mary Quant dresses--psychedelic patterns and all. What I wouldn't give to have those clothes now to give to my daughter--who could actually wear them. But 40 years later and too many moves have pared down my collection.

A friendly saleswoman asked if I needed help and I started to launch into a nostalgic reminiscence--but it suprisingly caught in my throat. I wasn't nearly appreciative enough to my mother, so I think I'll call her tomorrow and tell her.

1 comment:

Michael Nolan said...

I can't bring myself to throw away the ties my mother made me but I'll never wear them again.