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Thursday, February 23, 2006

Cleaning out the Closets

In preparation for downsizing (a euphemism for getting into a house you don't have to starve to own), I've been cleaning a closet or a drawer, daily, for the last few months. I've found some interesting things that I know are not mine and I don't have a clue how they got here--a man's black umbrella, an orange beach towel, a tri-pod, a fur-trimmed hood from a blue coat and a CD by David Cross entitled "It's Not Funny." Somehow I can't get the vision of myself wrapped in the orange beach towel, wearing the fur-trimmed hood, standing next to the tri-pod upon which the David Cross CD is balanced. It would make a good album cover.


Yukkione said...

Interesting to see others doing the downsizing thing. We (my wife and I) did this several years ago. We had enough of Affluenza, debt, keeping up with the Jones'. you'll be so much happier when your done, and you wont be a slave to payments and interests rates.

Michael Nolan said...

I'm sure the orange beach towel is mine, from that time we visited and went to Mackinac.

DetroitGirl said...

It can't be yours because it was in a bag with a receipt from a shop in SoHo and the CD. But if no one else claims it, it's yours!

Anonymous said...

let me know if you find my FDR campaign button

Erik Donald France said...

I just came across your blog when I started one last week. Very cool!
I am a teacher/librarian at a local prep school and (by night and summers) at a nearby community college. Please check mine out -- I'm new to doing this and so far, it's fun, and good discipline for writing something each day. http://www.eriklerouge.blogspot.com/
cheers, erik

Anonymous said...

Mom - it's Kristin's. But feel free to take your album cover photo before giving it back. Love you