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Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I think I'll go lay or lie down...

Whenever I have a stack of papers to grade, a pile of laundry, a long list of gardening chores, a room to paint, or a sink full of pantyhose, I look for something else to do. Blogging may be the answer. Or not. If this, too, becomes work, I'm not sure I want to try to do it every day. Then again, I always tell my students to respect the process and trust the process. So, respect and trust, it is. I've not been successful at exercising daily, so maybe writing might work--not as a way to lose weight--but as a way to keep from talking to myself. The older I get, the more I enjoy myself as a conversational companion--so agreeable, so insightful, so funny! I really get me! So I think as bloggers, we simply want others to get us--it is a way of sharing that offers few, if any risks. And, its either a great way to procrastinate, or another task to put off. I think I'll go rest now.

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