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Thursday, August 04, 2005

Pretty Disturbing????

Just south of the Baghdad airport, a bomb exploded recently, flipping the 25-ton amphibious assault vehicle which was transporting soldiers at the time. "'This was a catastrophic event,' said Sgt. Jason Knapp, an Air Force bomb technician who arrived at the scene of the multiple attacks the next morning. He found a foot from one of the American soldiers in the shallow water of a nearby canal. 'It was pretty disturbing," he said." Pretty disturbing????

When do we begin to understand that traditional military solutions will not work in the post-modern arena? When do Americans begin to listen to leaders who speak the truth about this atrocity instead of the pre-programmed talking points meant to reinforce the distortions and lies in which our current administration has invested so heavily? When do we finally realize that this war is not about anybody's freedom, our or theirs--it is about access to natural resources, both oil and water, and the building of permanent military bases to secure these resources for the use of our global corporate robber barons. And Americans have been manipulated by fear into supporting it.

As a resident of a city struggling to maintain its fragile and aging infrastructure in the face of capital flight and unrestricted sprawl, I'm wondering if an Al Queda training camp, just south of 8 Mile Road, might be a better strategy than all the swearing, wishing and hoping we do around here. Either that, or a new mayor.

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